Processing3.5.4 starts only once on windows10


I am new of this community, as I started working with Processing just from few weeks. I hope that this is the right place for the following question. Otherwise please suggest me how to do it.

Few months ago I successfully installed Processing3.5.4 on a windows10 PC. Today I tried to install it on a second PC by applying the same steps (I downloaded the 64bit version and I unzipped the file with 7-zip on the root directory).

The problem is that I can launch processing.exe only once. The following launches result only in making to appear the initial welcome window for about 20 seconds. The .err and .out files in the xxx/AppData/Raoming/Processing/console directory are empty. If I try to delete the directory created by the initial launch, the OS informs me that some files are used by some program.

To start again processing.exe I have to restart the PC, delete the directories created by the initial launch.