Processing 4 and midibus on Pi 4 works!

Hi, I managed to run Processing 4 on Pi 4 with decent latency, for audio analysis is not enough but for catch midi and visuals it’s enough, even without export !

I install last linux manjaro 21.10.

I install this version on P4 : P4 for archLinux

I download the arm libericaJdk11 that I put in the erased java folder of P4.

And I don’t know why, now midiBus library works !


I wonder if that success is due to libericajdk11 ability to run in 32 bit mode? What I get with ManjaroArm installed jdk is error message (when I try to run a sketch from the ide):-

core does not run on this architecture: arm64
core is only compatible with 32 bit download of Processing

ie a spanner in the works, because I know it should work because PiCrate and py5 both work fine with this jdk.