Problem installing Python mode

Hi everyone,

I tried installing Python mode via the mod manager in Processing last release but i get “Error during download and installation of Python mode for Processing 4”. It’s already an acknowledged problem or I’m missing something?


Hi, I’m afraid Processing Python mode is not working on Processing 4 IDE.

People have been using it on Processing 3.5.4, but the project lacks an active maintainer, unfortunately. Python Mode needs a new project owner

oh damn, because i would love to use Processing while using py syntax, i don’t want to spread my time and energy between two different languages for the moment. I’ll try with previous Processing versions then!

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Please @the.salmone have a look at these projects that are kind of spiritual successors to Python mode:

The one I use most is py5 :slight_smile:


Proceso is a Pyodide addon package, but focused more on PyScript:

If PyScript + Pyodide weren’t so hard to debug…
So my pick is py5, even though its installation is more complex:


@the.salmone +1 for py5. It’s a joy to use. Having the full Processing and Python ecosystems at your disposal while sketching feels like magic sometimes.

proceso mimics most of py5’s API and even borrows py5’s vector implementation. py5’s creator, @hx2A, gave the world a great tool.

We’ve talked at a high level about merging proceso with py5. The web and desktop platforms have different affordances, as do MicroPython/Pyodide and CPython, as do the p5.js and Processing ecosystems. It could be nice to let people move their Python sketches between platforms easily. @hx2A and I are both pretty busy at the moment, and proceso is in a holding pattern until p5.js 2.0 solidifies later this year. One day…


@the.salmone can’t believe I forgot, @sampottinger is taking a new approach to sketching in Python called Sketchingpy! It’s an ambitious project that draws upon his experience as a data scientist and core contributor to Processing.


A fix has been implemented and you should be able to download Python Mode for Processing 3 from the contributions manager. See:

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ty everyone! I’m gonna try sketchingpy then, it’s convenient for me because I can try it in pyCharm :smiley: