Processing 4 has no “Add mode” option in the drop down menu as described by dozens of references in the Web! So I am stuck without being able to use Python scripts in Processing IDE!
Can anyone tell me how to install Python mode/libraries in Processing 4?
There’s no “Sketchbook mode” directory. There’s only a Sketchbook folder and this is the default C:\Users{username}\AppData\Roaming\Processing folder in File->Preferences.
I cannot place the PythonMode directory that I just downloaded in the Sketchbook folder as you said, because Processing 4 refuses to change Sketchbook folder to the one I instructed it to in ‘preferences.txt’, as I mentioned in my first launched topic.
However, there is a “modes” directory under the main Processing directory (\Processing\modes) containing only Java, which also appears as the only installed mode in the menu at the right of the tools bar. So, I placed the PythonMode directory also in there. Logically, this should work, right? Well, guess what. It doesn’t! I can’t see Python either in the modes drop-down list or in “Manage modes” appearing in the same list. (BTW, there’s no “Add mode” options as all the references that I read mention.
Did you install the Python mode? Here’s what I see on my system when I click on the mode box in the upper right hand corner of the editor:
I just now noticed that the Modes tab is empty on my system too. No wonder you can’t install it! Perhaps it got lost on the last update. I’m using version 4.1.1.
I just switched to a Windows 11 system and was able to install the Python mode (now shows up in menu) using the technique described in @jafal 's post. I extracted the .zip file (in Downloads folder) into c:\Users\myName\Documents\Processing\modes and it worked.
Re “Did you install the Python mode?”:
But this is exactly I’m trying to figure out. How to add/install Python mode.
Re “I extracted the .zip file (in Downloads folder) into c:\Users\myName\Documents\Processing\modes and it worked.”:
I would try that too, but I don’t want to use drive C: (which is the default one) for such a task. I tried to change the Sketchbook folder to another drive --with the instructions @jafal gave me-- but Processing 4 refuses to do that or ignores it.
I placed instead under "\Processing\modes’ where Java is also placed. But Processing 4 ignores that too.
In another thread, which refers to this issue as a bug, someone suggested to download version 4.1.2.
Well, I downloaded version 4.1.1 only yesterday! And it was in the “Stable” versions list!
Do they release versions everyday?
Or was I just extremely unlucky?