Guys I found, forked and tweaked a virus spread simulator, just trying to deal with self isolation right now. I made this into a tutorial, the simulator is up on my site so you can try it out - using Processing.js but also works with Processing, and Processing for Android.
P5.js is based on JavaScript, there are differences in how that works compared with other modes, like Java, Android and Processing.js (which, to be fair, is compiled to JavaScript in the end)
It’s great to hear that OpenProcessing has a Pjs engine now, is this new or did I just miss it? I used to use that site when it was all about applets, remember those?
p5.js implements the Processing API in JavaScript – you program it using JavaScript syntax.
Processing.js – – is a transpiler. It runs in JavaScript, but you program it in the Processing (Java mode) syntax, which it converts into JS behind the scenes. (Keep in mind that originally, Processing (Java) itself ran in the browser using the fairly ubiquitous Java applet plugins. Then, gradually, it didn’t.) So for people familiar with the Processing Java desktop mode, they can take their code, paste it into a Processing.js, and under the hood it magically becomes JavaScript and runs (90%, with caveats and tweaks, of course).
The last Processing.js release was 1.6.6 ~2017, but the website was last updated in 2014, which contributes to the impression that it is old. Even more, the key thing is that the mode plugin doesn’t ship with Processing 3, and the version in contributions manager is only compatible with Processing 2. That makes it feel “neglected” for those that want to write Java-mode-for-the-web on the desktop – you have to install Processing 2 to use it.
Just a little reminder that we can also target the Pjs library using straight JS syntax (or any other language which can be transpiled to JS) besides Java.