Prefill Libraries for classroom usage not working in macOS

We’re using Processing in our classroom labs where we give Processing lessons. Our lab macOS devices are shared between a lot of students and therefore we need to delete all the home folders with reboots to prevent storage problems and to (pre)deploy preferences for all kinds of software titles that are teached in those classroom labs.

We would like to be able to also pre-deploy (copy) Processing 4 libraries when a random student logs in. When we can’t pre deploy those preferences it takes a teacher an additional 10-15 minutes of their lesson when the teacher needs to ask all the students in the classroom to install those libraries using the GUI in the And they have to perform this procedure every time a macOS computer reboots.

These preferences we capture from all kinds of software titles and copy those to a template folder. When a new student logs in a new local home directory is created (by the OS) and preference files are copied to the corresponding local homefolder directory using a script.

We were already using that for Arduino and Processing 3 for example. But for Processing 4 this doesn’t work anymore and therefore this seems like a bug.

Do you have a workaround for this problem, or is there an additional folder that we need to copy to the template folder directory? I’ve already created an issue on Github here. There’s more information there.

All best,

Patrick van Nerum
Hogeschool Rotterdam


This issue is occurring in my classroom, and is sadly affecting the amount of time that is spent teaching. Compared to Processing 3, this seems like a regression in terms of classroom usability, and I’m hoping someone can come up with a solution that better supports learning environments. We would love to (fully) switch to Processing 4!

Hey Patrick, this issue has been roaming around in my mind for a while. Could you check if a different sketchbook location might’ve been set in ~/Library/Processing/preferences.txt

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