Playbutton not working

Hi kll and thank you!

so you need to give more details about your processing
what you installed how…?

Yes, i installed it by downloading that file and extracted the content in to my program files folder, then ran the processing.exe that is in there.

for reinstall must delete
ALL 3 Processing dirs.
see also
Processing isn’t running (java.lang.NullPointerExcpetion) ;

Thank you, indeed i wasn’t aware processing creates more dirs on 1st startup. I now deleted all dirs and installed freshly, but that didn’t change anything -.-

does in JAVA Mode

  • any example work?
  • a graphic demanding example also work like “ribbons”

Ok, i switched to Java and tried a simple print(“hello”); as well as the ribbons example. The same error occurs in both cases, just like with the python mode.

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