Is there an Android Mode 4.1 problem(characters are broken.) / solution?

  1. ‘Foreign language is not expressed.’
    Even if you change the font, the characters are broken.
    ex) Korean, Japanese, Chinese, etc.

  2. println() does not work.

Is there a solution?
Help. I need your help.

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I got the same problem but with German umlauts…

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‘Foreign language is not expressed.’
Even if you change the font, the characters are broken.
ex) Korean, Japanese, Chinese, German etc.


Have you ever found a solution?
No matter how I look and try, it doesn’t change.

confirmed println() is no longer putting output in the console. Would like an immediate fix because tracing errors is now cancer

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Not yet. The problem occured the day before yesterday. The last time I tried to use umlauts everything worked fine, I already wondered what changed and caused the problem. Probably the change from Android mode v3 to v4. I’ll come back to this topic as soon as I found a solution.

Here is the topic where I asked and got some ideas how to solve the problem

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Thanks for the quick response
So is there no way right now?


What I checked now is not simply an encoding problem.

  1. I proceeded to ‘encoding’ but nothing changed.
  2. Changes made to ‘Fonts.xml’ do not change.

The problem was not solved at this time.


  1. ‘Foreign language is not expressed.’

String msg = “%ED%95%9C%EA%B8%80%20%EC%9D%B8%EC%BD%94%EB%94%A9%20%EC%9D%B4%EB%9D%BC%EB%84%A4~”;
String msg2 = convertUTF8ToString(msg);
text(msg2, x, y);

  1. println() does not work.
  try {
  }catch(Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();} 

This will solve it.


@GWAK hunterkiddo issued this on github, @codeanticode labeled it as “needs confirmation”.
Maybe you want to confirm.

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