[Android] Regarding the Android mode, has the text breakage been resolved?

Regarding the Android mode, has the text breakage been resolved?

Please refer to the image.

  1. Korean
  2. Japanese
  3. English

If you experiment through
All texts are broken except in English.

Did you come up with a solution?

PFont myFont;

void setup(){

String fontList = PFont.list();
myFont = createFont(fontList[0], 32);


void draw(){
background(255); fill(0);
String msg1 = “안녕하세요”;
String msg2 = “こんにちは。”;
String msg3 = “HELLO”;

text(msg1, int(width/2), 100);
text(msg2, int(width/2), 200);
text(msg3, int(width/2), 300);

I tried changing the font to fix the problem.
Still, the result is the same. Problems arise.


Dear Rupesh_Kumar,

Thank you for your enthusiasm.

Do you have any solutions for the above? Except for English, other languages ‘character breaking’ phenomenon occurs.
Do you have any workaround?