[Android] 'Text is garbled.' When will it be resolved? help me

  1. ref link : [Android] Regarding the Android mode, has the text breakage been resolved?

    Please refer to the image.
    example) Korean / Japanese / English
    If you experiment through, All texts are broken except in English.
CharSequence[] Choice_v = {"공급기-1","공급기-2","공급기-3","공급기-4","공급기-5","공급기-6"}; // Korean 
CharSequence[] Choice_v = {"FEED-1","FEED-2","FEED-3","FEED-4","FEED-5","FEED-6"}; // English

I’ve mentioned it before.
2-1) There is no ‘text break phenomenon’ in Android 3.0.
2-2) In Android 4.0, ‘text is broken’ occurs.

Q1) Have you ever solved it?
Q2) Is there any way to solve it?
Q3) I wonder if there are any plans to solve it.


By any chance, has the phenomenon of broken languages (foreign languages) other than English been resolved?
Or does anyone have a solution?

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String msg1 = "こんにちは。";
String msg2 = "안녕하세요.";
String msg3 = "你好。";

void setup(){

  background(255); fill(0);  
  PFont myFont = createFont(" ", 40); // Fonts with the language of each country
void draw(){  

‘Android solvers’ @Rupesh_Kumar @svan

As shown in the picture above, the ‘foreign language other than English’ font is broken.
Is there a solution or is there a reason?

If anyone knows, please share or a solution.
link : Is there an Android Mode 4.1 problem(characters are broken.) / solution? - #9 by GWAK


On APDE not broken

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New release try it


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I noticed that you left the font name blank. Is there a particular font that has these characters? To which language do these characters belong?

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@jafal @svan (Dear svan)

Thank you for your reply.

  1. There was a problem in Android 4.1 Mode.
  1. It seems to have been resolved in Android 4.5 Mode (?)
  • I’ll check and tell you.

Thank you for your reply.

This may be relevant: https://forum.processing.org/one/topic/japanese-characters-in-processing.html

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Thanks for your reply and interest.
This is an Android (Processing) problem issue.

This is an Android (Processing) problem issue.

It may be a font issue. Microsoft no longer has the unicode fonts that contain the bazillion characters for Asian languages (at least that I can find). On a mac the asian characters show up correctly in a Processing sketch. You are apparently using three different languages in your demo and may have to use the correct font for each language before trying to print the strings. My advice is to look for fonts that will print these characters on your system.

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The following code runs without error on my Mac in Android mode with Processing 4.2. Same code failed on my Windows 11 system.

String msg1 = "こんにちは。";
String msg2 = "안녕하세요.";
String msg3 = "你好。";

void setup(){  
  background(255); fill(0);  
  PFont myFont = createFont("Arial Unicode MS Regular", 40); // Fonts with the language of each country

void draw(){  


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You’re right. This was once an issue and appears to have been resolved.
(This seems to have been fixed with an update.)

Are you able to run the code that I posted above on your Windows system and does it show the text correctly?

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  1. Yes, that’s right. It works fine on windows.
  2. I am currently using a lower ‘Android’ version.
    It seems to be possible if processed through ‘Processing4.0’.

Thank you for your interest.