How to get 20 year old Applets on my web page to run in modern browsers?

Twenty years ago I used Processing to create interactive graphics on my educational website for an ancient computing device.

The RCA Selectron -- Selective Addressing -- addressing03 / addr03.html
for example.

It worked great and Processing was just the tool for the job. But the Applets were eventually deprecated for security reasons and the animations were no more.

I have spent several hours with the tutorials and am stumped as to how to migrate the code to the modern web. If someone would point me to the correct place, I’ll get the old site upgraded and perhaps write some new simulations. Thanks for a great language and thanks for your assistance.

Charles, A.K.K OldZeb

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OK, I watched all of Dan Shiffman’s videos (and at 2X playback he is really a hoot!) and recoded from scratch rather than looking for a rev converter. Took less time and went better than expected. Quarter of a century later, it is still a great language. Thanks!


Coding train or one of his university courses?

Yup, The Coding Train is what I took, running at at a 2X playback on YouTube. I remembered enough from twenty years ago to soak it up and re-write the code in modern syntax.

Thank you for replying!


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Coding train. When confused, I find that starting from square one helps this ol’ FORTRAN IV user a lot.


To answer the question from the title, I’ve had some success with CheerpJ Applet Runner and the CheerpJ library to run old Java Applets in modern browsers without modifications. It doesn’t run 100% of Processing Applets and the performance varies but it’s impressive that it works at all, mostly very well!

See this Twitter thread by Golan Levin where he ran a number of classic Java Applets with CheerpJ:


Thanks! I’ll check it out.
