GSOC 2019 p5.js-sound - AudioWorklet to replace ScriptProcessorNode

Hello, my name is Neil, an IT student interested in participating in the GSOC 2019. I want to contribute to the Audio Worklet project. I have a few questions about how to start contributing for GSoC.

  • How do I begin implementing some code with AudioWorklet? The documentation on it is very sparse.
  • I can’t find a user handle for the project’s possible mentor, Jason Sigal. Am I encouraged to contact him only on this platform, or is it alright if I do so directly?

I would really appreciate any guidance. Thank you.

About Me

I have experience in both JS, p5, web workers and the Web Audio API. My github page contains projects I’ve done, mostly in JS, some in p5 and this project using p5 and web workers. My codepen contains pens I’ve made with p5 (mostly relating to the Nature of Code book).

I’ve opened github issue #354 regarding my queries.