Gsoc20 revised idea selection

hello everyone,
This is Divyanshu Raj , an undergrad from INDIA .
I have interests in audio processing and web development .
I am fluent with javascript specially node.js , react ,
WEB AUDIO API ,and its audioworklet processor node .

I got to know about the p5.js-sound library from a youtube channel “the coding train”. I have followed almost every tutorial of it and it is very interesting.

so far my contributions are
p5.js-wbsite repo ---- #555 (merged)
p5.js-sound repo ---- #419 #420 (submitted for review ) , #417 #415 (open issues)

as the idealist have been updated and it no longer contains the project idea of

  1. Utilize the Audio Worklet in p5.Sound library
  2. Modernize examples and codebase of the p5.Sound library

and in the first place I considered the latter one to work upon !, I have posted for the same, earlier.
as it is no longer present in the revised idealist, should I have to reconsider my idea ??

i want to ask is it very late now for drafting proposal ? , :pleading_face:

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Hi @endurance21, I think your second idea here was partially completed by a student last summer. You could still put together a great proposal using some of the specifics that Lauren mentioned in the other thread you started.

And it’s not too late to draft a proposal! You have until March 31 to submit. Good luck!

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Thank you so much for the reply