EmulatorController: Emulator is not available.
Error while starting the Emulator. (NOT_RUNNING)
I regularly installed Android Studio and its Emulators with all the possible SDKs I was able to think to, without success. I also noted that while installing the Android mode on Processing i was not asked to download the system image needed by the emulator to work as written in Processing for Android.
I also googled the error messages but found nothing interesting - can you please point me to any procedure that could help?
you can use your android it self as emulator with out the
Android Studio emulator and with out installing Android Studio
if you want to run Android Studio then enable the emulator for processing android mode you have to setup HAXM first and it is too slow when you emulate sketch
avoid Android Studio install the sdk direct you got faster results
Android Studio may not has the correct version then processing android mode wont work, but if you install sdk tools for Android Studio which is same version to the i file i told you about for sure it is going to work
I’m a little late to the party, but this doesn’t seem to work for me. Instead, I get an error:
The Android SDK could not be loaded.
The Android Mode will be disabled.
I reinstalled everything and parsed in my folder path at: C:\Users\mattz\Documents\Processing\android\sdk.
Still no dice. If you have any other solutions please give me them!
The thing is processing will not even ‘boot’ off of the SDK file path I give it.
I’m using the .zip file you provided but I’m not sure if that’s really the issue.
I realized processing was throwing another error: Processing found an Android SDK, but is not valid. It could be missing some files, or might not be including the required platform for API 29. If a valid SDK is available in a different location, click "Locate SDK path" to select it, or "Download SDK" to let Processing download the SDK automatically.
It could be that I either downloaded the wrong file or it lost certain files due to the unzipping process. I’m not too sure, but I’ll still try to move it to the D drive.
Have you been able to get your Processing emulator to work? Using a Mac I got the same error message that you posted but now have the emulator working and have successfully run your demo code. The first step was to be certain that the emulator is listed in Android Studio at the top of the IDE under the Devices menu. If the emulator that you want to use is not listed then use AndroidStudio/Tools/AVD Manager to create the corresponding Virtual Device. Then I went into AndroidStudio/Tools/SDK Manager/SDK Tools and made certain that the latest update for the Android Emulator was installed (30.6.5). Click on the minus sign at the left to change it to a check mark to install it. You may have to reinstall Processing/Tools/Add Tool/Modes/Android Mode after updating. From there it worked as expected. There are also Terminal commands that you can use to run the emulator, but that is more complicated and I won’t list it here unless you want to try it.