Advantage of Processing Android?

Hello there, I am new to android development, however I already worked with processing.
Processing needs to run the code each frame and draw everything every time, is a little bit resource consumable, no? My question is in terms of performance do you think processing can be better that something like phonegap - produces an html more static page?

I believe it feels that way but that is the price you play in order to have a responsive application. I am guessing application rendering works this way… you get to see it explicitly in Processing as you are interacting with each draw loop directly. Don’t quote me on this as I am not sure what optimizations are being done in the rendering process of either Processing or any other application.

I can tell you much about phonegap as I don’t have experience with it. My understanding is that they create their apps using js and running in some sort of webview? They say that running on webviews is not the best way to use the device, as you don’t have native access to you device. For instance, in Processing you can bring any call as define in the Android developer guides. Some ppl are even implementing kotlin, or at least that is in the plan.

The advantage of Processing is that you can write some code that runs in Processing java and conceptually you should be able to change into android mode and run the code there. This is a really neat concept for building fast prototypes. If you are using external "only"Android libraries, then you cannot do that. For larger projects, you can still work with processing but you also need to do full life cycle management as Processing does not that for you.

If you are an user getting into Android, you will find Processing android to be a very neat tool as you do not need to know anything about android to generate a your first sketch (beside setting up the android sdk and setting your phone in developer mode). If you are an advanced user, you might consider using something like Android Studio or IntelliJ and bring the Processing Android core into the project as a support library. You could also use Processing to build complex apps. However, you will need to understand what Processing is doing under the hood to see if it is compatible with your application design.

I hope this helps.



Oh I get it, nice answer.

What do you mean by

For simple demonstrations, the default life cycle management offered by Processing is ok. However if you need to manage data as in saving data, video, bluetooth, state management, then you need to override those functions. You can find more about activity life cycle and fragment life cycle if you do a quick google search. You can also explore previous posts. Any specific question, please provide details and your own code.
