Science simulations in p5

I just made a meiosis simulation. Any feedback for me? I want to expand my work on Creative Coding and STEAM using p5.js. Who should I talk to? What advice do you have?


Wow although I didn’t understand it I found it really nice on the code side! So… do you want to focus on the educative or the artistic side of things? If its the first maybe trying to add some explanation on what is happening, and if is the latter, or both, maybe adding some sort of user interaction would be a step further to creative coding development.


Very cool! Consider giving @Jithin a shout–he’s the lead on Dynamic Learning.

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Thanks for the feedback. It is still a work in progress but I want to add both of those features. I am thinking of letting the user set up the chromosomes at the start of the simulation. Maybe I can add some descriptive fields that appear in each phase. I might have to talk to the biology people to talk about it intelligently.

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Hey the simulation is cool. I’ve added the simulation to Dynamic learning and created a workbook just to introduce you to Dynamic learning.

Giving user the ability to add the nucleotide combination is a good idea. Also give user the ability to slowly move through each of the steps rather than automatical transitions. That would help people to understand the process way better.

Thanks for the feedback @Jithin I am currently adding features and trying to connect with Biology people to find out how it could be used in HS classes. I will also look at your Dynamic Learning platform.