Processing library template using Gradle

Hi! I have been developing a Processing libraries using Gradle for a while now. You can develop this way using your favorite editor such as Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, VSCode, etc. I have created a template repository that you can use if you like :smiley:


Hey @enkatsu thanks for sharing your work! You might be interested to know that there is an official Gradle library template in the works here: Processing Library Template for Gradle

There is also one for Android: Processing Android Library Template for Gradle

These were created by @jjeongin and @Andres based on the Deep-Vision library by Florian Bruggisser.

We’re planning to make those the official way to build libraries and update the documentation accordingly. If you’d like to contribute in some way to the effort, let me know!


Hi @enkatsu , I had just found your repo a few days ago, when I was looking for templates for developing Processing libraries! I’ll be working on updating and expanding the offerings in Processing templates as part of my work as a Processing pr05 grantee. I will definitely be using your template as a model. Would be happy to chat to you about this.


@sableRaph Thank you!
Actually, I realized it after I made this Topic :sweat_smile:
I would love to contribute!


@claudine Thank you for your reply! I’m really glad to hear that you found it useful and that you’ll be using it as a model for your Processing pr05 project. I’d love to chat more about it and see how we can work together or improve the templates :smiley:


I look forward to working with you @enkatsu! I’ve forked the template from the processing account that @sableRaph linked to as a starting point. The question is if we can add some of the simplicity in your build.gradle file to the processing version, or at least add additional comments to the build.gradle file to help people new to gradle understand a little of what’s going on. What is the best way to chat with you more directly? I don’t seem to have messaging on discourse…


Also, I invite @jjeongin and @Andres to chime in, and correct any naive assumptions on my part. Thank you. :pray:

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Indeed, the build.gradle for Processing libraries can often become quite complex :sweat: I have also tried to keep my code as simple as possible. I can’t give a precise answer without comparing both codes, but I think it’s possible. I am keen to collaborate actively, so I can adapt to whatever tools you are using (Slack, Discourse messages, other social media, or chat tools). It seems like you have a great team!


Thanks for looping me in. I have not worked on the Gradle/IntelliJ template for Processing library in a while, this is what @jjeongin and I adapted from what other people did before so we could use it in a GSoC project a couple of years ago. Because it tries to replicate a lot of the functionality in the original ant-based library template, it is relatively complex, while @enkatsu’s seems like a more lightweight template (btw, thanks for the contribution, Katsuya!)… Oftentimes, simpler is better :slight_smile:

The template for the Processing Android libraries, even though it is also gradle-based, was developed separately. It has an interesting idea that may be worth considering for the Processing library, which is to put all the processing-specific files inside a subfolder from where one would run the the build and dist tasks to generate the library packages for the PDE, while the root folder follows the standard structure of a Gradle project, in this way it’s easy to import into IntelliJ/Android Studio to debug and run examples from those IDEs.


Thanks for your feedback and suggestion @Andres. I’m glad we have your blessing to go simpler with the gradle file. One thing we will definitely keep is the use of jitpack to compile the processing repo. I really appreciate how well commented the code template is, too. Thank you!

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