A new Processing library template

Hello all! Better late than never - I’d like to announce a new Processing library template, that’s been there since the beginning of this month. It uses gradle tasks to build your code, create the release artifacts, and also copy it to your Processing sketchbook folder, so that you can test the use of your new library. It also facilitates the creation of a documentation website with MkDocs with a Github workflow. In other words, this template is an amalgam of the excellent library templates that have come before, with some extra juice.

We’ve already got some bug reports and inquiries coming in, so thanks for taking a look, as we iteratively improve the resource together.

This work was supported by the Processing Foundation through the pr05 (“pros”) New Beginnings Grant 2024.


Thanks for that.

Does it mean that we can make our own library with this?

Is there a tutorial for that?


Hello, yes, it means you can make your own library with this. There is documentation at the github project pages: Processing Library Template
where we provide howtos on getting started, with some help with gradle on the development step, and then on releasing your library.

A tutorial is planned but is not available yet. Stay tuned.


Thank you very much!