Processing executable resolution screwed up

I have exported a windows 64 binary with java included.

I can launch the .exe by double clicking it in the explorer. And everything works fine and all. But it looks like total crap on a different computer (also W10 64 bt). And I mean that it seems to have a teribbly low resolution. I packed my entire binary folder in a .zip and unzipped on the other compouter.

However. If I launch the same application via command line (git bash) it looks perfectly fine.

On my own PC I cannot reproduce the result. Than it looks just fine nomather how I open it.
And I have used the same .zip file.

I want to share the application to others. But I’d like that the application can just be launched by double clicking the .exe without showing funny resolution things.

Is this a known issue? And is there a solution for this?

Kind regards :coffee:


Hello @bask185 ,

It may be related to:

See this topic:


Thanks, I’ll have a look and do some more experimentations. I only have short windows in which I can do these tests