Please Introduce Yourself

Hello, my name is Angelo. I work about Wind Energy and Fotovoltaic Energy. I like to write software tools.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Arduino + Raspberry Pi - install IDE

Started as a course III, but was always ā€œsneeking off and programmingā€ when my job allowed self directed workscope.

Wrote a 3D fly-thru openGL C++ app for all 100K wires in an IBM mainframe.

Wanted to do web stuff so wrote in java and javascript with full homebrew GL_Shaders.

Spent 5 years as a big data consultant, Hadoop with hard core MapReduce in java, Hive, switched to scala for 3 years of Spark ETL. Wrote two frameworks: 1) The ā€œKnowledgent Ingestion Frameworkā€ using scoop to pull legacy RDBMS to Hive, and 2) a swarm: Scala spawned external Spark processes parallelizing DAG threads. See hadoop-less spark on AWS EC2ā€™s with S3 as the way to go for heavy duty processing.

Think processing hits the sweet spot on
platform access,

Intend to use it as my base of operations (for instanceā€¦ no need for swing)


Hello iā€™m Mattia and iā€™m a student. Iā€™m 17 years old and i love computer science. I selected Processing because iā€™m passionate about simulation of A.I. and physics and i think Processing can do great things with this subject. I love your programming language!


Hi Everyone , my name is Yashraj Dhanuka, i am a third year undergraduate student in Computer Science Engineering. I want to contribute to the community. My goal is GSOC 2019. My current knowledge domain is Python, Machine learning, Deep Learning, C ,C++.
Please tell me how to proceed and start contributing as soon as possible.


Hi all, my name is Jakub Valtar. Iā€™m a software developer and an artist. I studied computer graphics and, after Processing lured me down the path of digital art, I continued to study art & technology master program, from which I graduated this year.

I started contributing to Processing in 2014 and over the years I submitted lots of pull requests, mostly improving rendering quality and performance, but also fixes and enhancements to the preprocessor, error checker and editor.

I will be around helping with difficult code problems.


Hi. Iā€™m Owen Densmore and and first started using Processing 15 or so years ago, using it for simulations for SimTable/Redfish, a small modeling company here in Santa Fe NM.

Iā€™m currently working on AgentScript, a subset of NetLogo (agent based modeling) in JavaScript. It is written in two halfs, a core Model and a View/App used to make the Model visible. Currently weā€™re using Three.js for the view/app: although weā€™ve also integrated models into an Observable View.

My interest in Processing is potential use of P5js for Views/Apps (views are less tightly integrated into the core than apps). Iā€™m looking at two uses: as a core webgl library, and as a more integrated tool/app for p5js modelers.

Iā€™d love to talk to any of us using Processing for agent based modeling!

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Hi, Iā€™m KornĆ©l from Hungary, currently doing on my third year of an undergraduate Interactive Design course in the UK. I use processing for uni projects mostly, and just trying out new stuff here and there. :slight_smile:

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Hi, my name is Resat BOZKIR from Istanbul/Turkey. I am teaching CS at middle school and high school level. First time we will be trying processing at high school.

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Hello, Iā€™m Raymond G McCord. Iā€™m an artist, interactive developer, and educator. I develop virtual reality training software and augmented reality marketing applications at Self Interactive and I am also an instructor at Missouri State University in the media, journalism, and film department as well as the art & design department teaching Interactive Art & Media.

I learned to code using Processing when I was an undergrad, and now enjoy passing that knowledge on to new heads teaching with p5.js.

Some of my work is documented here.


Hi! Iā€™m here to make a holographic backing band for myself.

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Hello there ! Iā€™m Basile, a French C.S. student. I love having fun with Processing and p5.js, and I see these languages as well as creative coding as excellent tools to introduce beginners to programming !


Hello everyone!

I am Giovanni, a visual artist based in Amsterdam! I started using Processing in 2009, when I started New Media Arts University. I use it for live visual performances and generative arts, as well as for interactive installations. I work in a lab, in which we work in the intersection between art, science and technology.

I used to teach it (together with p5.js) in workshops in the Academy of Fine Arts (in Italy), focusing more on the process then the technicalities, but then I stopped. I hope to recover my wishing to share my knowledge, and to grow and help the community here!

You can find my works here (the website will be updated soon!)!


Iā€™ve used three.js. Also Mathematica. Iā€™m at present interested in 3D graphics ,generative music and VR.


Hey Guys,

my Name is RaGon and I am a Math and Computer Science student curious for the backbone of this incredebly beautiful and simple language.

Greetings and many Thanks!


Hi, Iā€™m Diomidis Spinellis. Iā€™m a Professor of Software Engineering at AUEB. Iā€™ve been using Processing since 2008, for creating interactive applications and for scientific visualizations. You can find more about me through my web page.


Several years ago, we adopted Processing for our ā€œIntroduction to Programmingā€ courses at the college (replacing VB and providing a much better path to our follow-on courses, which are based on Java).

So far, it has been very successful (despite having a silly gerund for its name), and i look forward to further improvements (such as allowing input strings from stdin!).

Bruce Alan Martin
WEBSITES: # See my profiles # See my ā€œshowcaseā€ of sketches and the student folders.


Hi, Iā€™m Sarah. I meant to write this a while ago, but never actually got to it. :expressionless:

I started learning Processing around 2015 when I wandered upon the website, and learnt a lot from The Coding Train. Iā€™m currently learning node.js and javascript right now.

I love using Processing and p5.js as a hobby to make art or games. :slight_smile:


Hi, Iā€™m Jim. I use Processing for school and for fun as well :relaxed:

I donā€™t have much to say about myself except that Iā€™m amazed by how helpful everyone has been and I think that itā€™s a wonderful community to be in. :+1:

Thanks everyone and look forward to the futureā€¦ :mage:



I am Lumppa from Finland. I am a hobbyist coder. It has been years since I wrote any code. The has made me wanna code again! Joined the forum to find out more.
