@p5js.org into spam filter


I use the online p5.js editor with my students (editor.p5js.org). Some of them have observed that they don’t get the confirmation e-mail sent to them just after creating their account on editor.p5js.org. So they cannot confirm their account request or reset their password if forgotten. Our IT support has investigated about this and they’ve just written to me that the p5js.org was into their spam filter… Fortunately they’ve removed it…

How can this be possible? I just worry this could occurs once again. What could it be done in order to prevent this?

Any idea?

Thanks a lot!


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I don’t know what your institution is, but it isn’t that uncommon for confirmation emails to filtered as spam by institutions, as fake confirmations are one primary method of phishing.

If your IT has now whitelisted p5js.org then it probably shouldn’t happen again unless your IT infrastructure changes.


Thanks Jeremy for your lighting :slightly_smiling_face:. Yes, the domain p5js.org has now been whitlisted in my school organization. I hope there will be no infrastructure changes for a long time.

Just a subsidiary question if anyone knows something about it. Suppose that a p5.js online user has not confirmed her/his account creation because she/he does not know that she/he shoud do it, having not received e-mail confirmation.

Not necessarily because of spam filter, but maybe because she/he has entered a mistyped e-mail address in the account creation form. What will happen then?

At this moment, p5.js editor accepts user to create and save sketches on server. So two questions here :

  1. does an unconfirmed account be locked or erased after a certain amount of days/months if account creation is not confirmed?

  2. what about password forgetting? If the e-mail was mistyped and so the user does not get reinitialization e-mail for password, is there an ‘emergency’ procedure to reset password?

These two questions just worries about possible loos of user work (supposing she/her has already created tens of sketches)…

If anybody knows something about it, thanks a lot for your lights!

Have a nice day!


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Hi Laurent,

Right now, the p5js.org web editor has a “forgot your password” option on its login page. You can see it on the bottom, here:

If the user has mistyped their email AND forgotten their password, they can simply create a new account with the correct email.

Or, if the email account in question is a gmail account, they can log in to it directly using Google sign-in – see the “Google” button on the signin page.

Laurent, did you find out what happens to accounts that have not been confirmed?

My students are in the same situation. They’ve created accounts, can create a sketch, but did not receive an email to confirm the account because of our filters.

Sarah, yes, the problem was solved. Our IT service worte me the domain name p5js.org was blacklisted on their side (filters). Without know why… They removed it from blacklist and everything works fine now. You should contact your IT support to do the same.