Lost account, lost files?

Early december I decided to delete the gmail account thinking that I would not lose that awfully much. Now I realize that I cannot access my files on p5js online editor since I used Google to login. My bad. Is it possible to access the files anyhow? Have them transferred to a new account?

Thanks in advance


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i not understand,
you can not login any more, OK,
but still can see all

https://editor.p5js.org/ < what was your name > /sketches

( and duplicate each sketch to new account )

recent change? NOT POSSIBLE ANY MORE ?

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If you can’t recover your Google account anymore and there’s no any other way to log in on P5, an option would be to contact an administrator of P5. Behind the scenes they might be able to change your login information. I would save this as a last resort though.

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Thank you. I learn something new every day.


? please, did it work ?or is there a change,
i could not check as i not know your user name

Worked like a charm. I did remember my deleted gmail account so I just had to go to this link, and either duplicate or download:




i think it needs to be checked if that kind of registering at
is still possible,
as it publishes a email, not good style.