IMHO the Intel RealSense D400 series cameras are the new Kinect.
However, today, after unboxing the camera from last year, it no longer works… See screenshot.
I see an error message after trying out the examples sketches for the Intel RealSense Processing library and I get the following error:
“Failed to set power state”
I have never seen this error before and although there are some searches online for it I am drawing a blank as to how to fix it.
My hunch is that it’s something simple. I recall a bunch of Processing Textbook examples no longer worked until I added frameRate(30) in setup so maybe it’s something like that? (I already tried that of course and no change).
Of course I also restarted the computer, tried different cables, USB ports, and all that with no success. In fact I am using the same computer, version of Processing, and library version so I am honestly not sure what would have changed?
Intel stopped supporting MacOS from HighSierra on. It‘s because they would need to write a new kind of driver for the newer MacOS‘s and it‘s not just a trivial thing.
I would recommend Luxonis cameras today. There is also a Java wrapper for the C++ library. Someone would need to port it to Processing
I just got the RealSense Sensor and stumbled over that error. Is there really now way to mend this issue ?
The only example working is the ‘camera available’ patch.
It would be really great if this issue was mentioned at the top of the RealSense Library Post… I didn’t know to read all posts over several years to find this issue