Intel RealSense Library for Processing

@DataFlaw Realsense-Processing includes the native binaries and adds a native bridge as well. Because of that it is not possible to just build the binaries yourself and exchange them. But I played around with fixed binaries for Apple Silicon (M1) chips recently and created a Realsense-Processing build for M1 Macs. Have a look here: MacOS Monterey update "failed to set power state" · Issue #37 · cansik/realsense-processing · GitHub

But even with this build, you need luck and the “right” (whatever it is) system configuration, sometimes even sudo rights. Otherwise the RealSense library won’t work with the actual cameras. It is because of the lack of support by Intel. They stopped MacOS support some months ago which is a real pity.

Thanks a lot for your quick answer @cansik
Still doesn’t work for me :smiling_face_with_tear:, I’ll stay tuned from your side of from Apple and/or Intel if the situation change in the future

Thanks again for your work !

Hi Florian.

Been experimenting with the library on Raspberry Pi 4 .It works great. Great job with the features and the examples, very useful! I’m trying to use the L515 and it is not showing up. Is there a version that would support the L515?

Thank you, Danny.

Hi @Dannyrozin, the L515 should be supported from version 0.2.3 of realsense-processing (and any subsequent version). Is the device displayed in the realsense viewer?