I have asked a lot of people but no one knows this effect


Do you know how to make this effect? I have asked a lot of people but no one knows…
So far people said it maybe sin waves, noise… What do you think! Thank you!

Welcome to the forum!

I’m unfortunately not able to give you any satisfying and concrete answer.

Judging by the extensive – and really great – typographic experiments on show by that designer, it feels that it’s the result of years-long code snippets used to generate type transformations, all layered together. So I don’t believe you’ll find any single algorithm out there to recreate this.

After seeing the type in motion, I’ll also say that it gives off hefty late-90s Demoscene vibes. I certainly “owned” several games and applications during that time – uhm… found at… sources… – with that type of aesthetic on their splash screen.

As a test, I let ChatGPT analyze the screenshot and recreate the result. With zero surprise, it made nothing close to the original. I nudged it to tweak the code a few times and it eventually come up with this. That’s after a few iterations of lazy prompt tweaking and generating. Zero manual interventions to the code from my side.

(Alas, I won’t post that code here, as I’m not sure on the current forum policy concerning LLM stuff. Though letting GTP generate a base sketch to build off of, could be an approach to take.)

EDIT: Language


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Thank u so much for your reply! I think it is getting closer, I spent whole day research , so far I have found sth. So maybe I can also share it here.

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also Andreion de Castro on Instagram: ""LIGHTS&COLORS" Some recent favourites exploring the theme of lights and colours :) https://www.behance.net/gallery/185734307/LIGHTS-COLOURS"


It looks complicated.

Maybe several effects are at work here

Maybe some kind of lense moving over a changing background from left to right

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