How to run build .exe sketch from command line?

how can you run build sketch as .exe file from command line? When you build the app in windows you get the folder structure with yoursketch.exe inside. It works just fine when you double click it. But I can not find a way how to run that exe file from command line. I tried typing the path to exe file like C:/application.64bi/yoursketch.exe with and without quates but it just fail silently. Another thing I tried was using start "" "C:/application.64bi/yoursketch.exe" , fails as well.

Hi @trackme518

Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Have you tried doing cd [folder path] and then start [filename.exe] ?
So, cd C:/application.64bi in your case and then start yoursketch.exe

Best regards

Hi, awesome, thanks. It actually worked. I did:

cd C:\Users\IA200073\Documents\GitHub\Hoiana\PJLink\application.windows64
start PJLink.exe

Do you know why it does not work in single command like so by any chance?:
start C:\Users\IA200073\Documents\GitHub\Hoiana\PJLink\application.windows64\PJLink.exe
start "C:\Users\IA200073\Documents\GitHub\Hoiana\PJLink\application.windows64\PJLink.exe"

Hi @trackme518,

Sorry for the late response
In Windows 10 you can do it in a single line using & so:

cd C:\Users\IA200073\Documents\GitHub\Hoiana\PJLink\application.windows64 & start PJLink.exe

should work