Using the launch() function anomaly

Using the launch() function does launch the already compiled sketch. But the compiled sketch ends/exits immediately. I wasn’t sure launch() was working until I set the flag in the properties of the compiled sketch to “Run as Administrator”. The usual alert popped up asking if I want to allow the app to make changes to my device. I click “Allow” and the compiled sketch starts and shuts down in a blink. I can run the compiled sketch no problem, but not from within a sketch.
Anyone experiencing this?
Any thoughts?

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I’m using Processing 4. I created a new sketch just to launch() a exported sketch(.exe file). I used a different compiled sketch than the one I previously tried and received the same results.

After further checking, I found the launch() function will launch, say “C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe”, but will not launch any of the exported sketches (“.exe” files) I created.
I’m hoping to find an answer to this anomaly
Any thoughts would be appreciated

Hi @markcosmic,

you need to be in the same directory as the executable, resp. the working directory needs to be set to.
So on windows you can call it like that …

launch("cd /d <drive>:<path_to_sketch_exe> && <executable_name>.exe");

This should work. If not, you can trace the issue by using

Process p = launch("cd /d <drive>:<path_to_sketch_exe> && <executable_name>.exe");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
   println("Error on Stream: " + e)

— mnse

PS: remember to use \\ for \ on path string. ie: cd C:\\MyDir\\etc\\

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Thank you for responding. I am aware of the launch(parameters).
This is what I tried:

case 5: //launch Create PlayList
//createPlayList(); (this links the ChatGPT suggested way to do it)
//launch(“C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe”); //THIS WORKED

Hi @markcosmic,

Please read my post carefully to get the point.

If you start notepad.exe you are not dependent of a working dir. This is different for starting the sketch executable.

— mnse

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Thank you. I got it. This is what worked for me. I didn’t want to hard code a location.

launch(“cd /d” + dataPath(“&& PlayList03.exe”));

Thank you