How to locate my Android SDK in Processing 4.3?

When I opened an Android sketch was asked to download or locate the SDK. Download automatically didn’t work. So I did the manual download using:
and I ran the sdkmanager:

Now I have directories like:

I’ve tried to point the SDK to different directories without luck. Any advice would be appreciated.

Windows 11, Prcoessing 4.3

Hi @bigboss97.
If you are using the most recent version of Android mode it will not work on Windows currently.
I’ve reported the bug here: Error in line #408 with Windows · Issue #768 · processing/processing-android · GitHub
You have to use an older version for now. Due to Gradle issues with older versions I gave up and instead used Android Studio. There is a tutorial here on that here, Processing for Android

Thanks, I’ll install Android Studio and give it a try.
I’ve tried to locate the command-line tool with Processing v4.1.1 and v4.3.

I’ve installed Android Studio. But I can’t find Java in language. What have I missed?

@bigboss97, what you are referring to is just the language Gradle uses for the build scripts. Gradle (Android’s build tool) will only use Kotlin or Groovy. Android projects can use Java or Kotlin. It’s confusing, but you shouldn’t have to interact with your build scripts very much. To use Java create a new java file by right-clicking on the …/src/main/java folder and select New → Java Class. I hope that helps get you started.

I’m totally new in Android Studio. Maybe I just wait for the fix or…
According to #768, v4.5.1 would work. Do I have to build it myself?