Dear all,
I would need your help to implement a permutation algorithm allowing the generation of building plans, that I’ve recently stumbled on while reading Professor Kostas Terzidis’ latest publication: Permutation Design: Buildings, Texts and Contexts (2014).
- Consider a site (b) that is divided into a grid system (a).
- Let’s also consider a list of spaces to be placed within the limits of the site ( c ) and an adjacency matrix to determine the placement conditions and neighboring relations of these spaces (d)
Quoting Prof. Terzidis:
“A way of solving this problem is to stochastically place spaces within the grid until all spaces are fit and the constraints are satisfied”
The figure above shows such a problem and a sample solution (f).
ALGORITHM (as briefly described in the book)
1/ “Each space is associated with a list that contains all other spaces sorted according to their degree of desirable neighborhood.”
2/ “Then each unit of each space is selected from the list and then one-by-one placed randomly in the site until they fit in the site and the neighboring conditions are met. (If it fails then the process is repeated)”
Example of nine randomly generated plans:
As you can see, the explanation is relatively vague and step 2 is so unclear (in terms of coding) that I don’t even know what question to ask. Worse, I don’t even understand how exactly permutation is related to that final sorting/fitting step.
All I have so far are “pieces of the puzzle”. On one hand:
- a “site” (list of selected integers)
- an adjacency matrix (nestled lists)
- “spaces” (dictionnary of lists)
from random import shuffle
n_col, n_row = 7, 5
to_skip = [0, 1, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31]
site = [i for i in range(n_col * n_row) if i not in to_skip]
#Makes a copy of "site" and shuffle its order for future random placing
ssite = site; shuffle(ssite)
n = 2
k = (n_col * n_row) - len(to_skip)
rsize = 30
#Adjacency matrix
adm = [[0, 6, 1, 5, 2],
[6, 0, 1, 4, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 8, 0],
[5, 4, 8, 0, 3],
[2, 0, 0, 3, 0]]
spaces = {"office1": [1 for i in range(4)],
"office2": [2 for i in range(6)],
"office3": [3 for i in range(6)],
"passage": [4 for i in range(7)],
"entry": [5 for i in range(2)]}
def setup():
size(600, 400, P2D)
#Grid's background
rect(width/2 - (rsize/2) , height/2 + rsize/2 + n_row , rsize*n_col, rsize*n_row)
#Displaying site (all selected units)
for i in site:
rect(width/2 - (rsize*n_col/2) + (i%n_col * rsize), height/2 + (rsize*n_row/2) + (n_row - ((k+len(to_skip))-(i+1))/n_col * rsize), rsize, rsize)
#For each unit in each space...
i = -1
for space in spaces.items():
for unit in space[1]:
#get the indices of its desired neighbors in sorted order
ada = adm[unit-1]
sorted_indices = sorted(range(len(ada)), key = lambda k: ada[k])[::-1]
#place each unit number randomly in the site
text(unit, width/2 - (rsize*n_col/2) + (ssite[i]%n_col * rsize), height/2 + (rsize*n_row/2) + (n_row - ((k+len(to_skip))-(ssite[i]+1))/n_col * rsize))
And on the other hand:
- a simple permutation algorithm
rsize = 30
n_col, n_row = 4, 3
n, k = 2, int(n_col * n_row)
bits = [[] for i in range(int(pow(n, k)))]
def setup():
size(400, 400, P2D)
for i in range(int(pow(n, k))):
for j in range(k):
bit = (i/int(pow(n, k-j-1)))%n + 1
def draw():
for i in range(k):
bit = bits[frameCount%len(bits)][i]
if bit == 1: fill(0)
if bit == 2: fill(255, 0, 0)
rect(width/2 - (rsize*n_col/2) + (i%n_col * rsize), height/2 + (rsize*n_row/2) + n_row - (k-(i+1))/n_col * rsize, rsize, rsize)
text(bit-1, 60+i*8, 20)
text("GENE:", 20, 20)
text(u"NO.", 20, 40)
text(frameCount, 45, 40)
text("Remaining", 20, 60)
text(len(bits) - frameCount, 90, 60)
if frameCount == len(bits): noLoop()
I would really appreciate if someone could help connect the dots and explain me how that permutation algorithm is supposed to re-order the units based on their degree of desirable neighborhood.
Of course any code/suggestion is more than welcomed (be it in Java or Python or even pseudo-code).