Exported Apple App: Icon Issues and Blank Screen

I’ve got a finished app. It works great.

I can export it to Mac OS (AS), and the exported app works great on my computer when I double click it.

However, if I send it to someone, the app does not open. The error message is (“The application cannot be opened”).

I found a way to fix this through terminal by going into the resources folder and changing the app file with chmod +x ‘filename’

So it opens - but then the app opens to a blank screen!

So I’m a bit frustrated, as the exported app works fine on my system, but when sending it out to others they can’t open it at all due to this error message, and it’s a lot of steps to ask users to do.

Is there a way to fix the exported app so the file opens correctly? Or does something happen when sending the file that somehow changes the app file into a non-exe file?

Additionally, I need to troubleshoot the app opening to a blank screen, but apparently Apple has removed the java console so I don’t know how to even begin to troubleshoot this part.

Is there a tool to see java output for exported apps? Asking since java removed the java console a while ago.

Thanks for any support.


Thank you Apple gatekeeper and code signing. Things that your friends can try:

1.Under the apple menubar item, SystemSettings/Privacy and Security there usually is an option at the bottom to open the app anyway.
2. Or they can try right clicking on the app icon and selecting Open.

Once you do anything to alter the app bundle you just killed the app as you found out.

Oh, so are you saying by changing the permissions of the file, it breaks the app?

Unfortunately, right-clicking does not offer an “open the app anyway” option. And I checked the system settings - I think apple has changed it - but I don’t see any option for that either.

I love processing, and it feels like the developers are not keeping it up with current systems…

I wonder what else I can do to get this app to work.

Is there anything you can think of?

I really appreciate your time.


No, you’re not changing anything. You need to download someone else’s app to see how this works. Usually the app’s icon will be covered by a slashed circle, and you’ll get some warning that you should throw it in the trash. If you then go to the apple menu/SystemSettings/Privacy&Security the option to open it anyway is all the way to the bottom. You won’t see this option normally; only if you’re trying to open an outside app.

All this is due to Apple, not Processing. They are the one who decided to add all this security stuff and they only did it because of hackers.

If I change permissions on the exe file using chmod +x ‘(app file name)’

It opens.

But it opens to a blanks screen. This is only if I have sent the file as a zip first through a file transfer service.

If I open the exported app directly on my Mac - no problem at all. No blank screen. Everything works normally.

Something is happening to the app in the upload/download/copy/unzip process that I don’t understand.

I am not getting the error you mentioned about not being able to open due to security issues. I’ve seen this many times on other apps, and usually you just right-click the app file and choose to open anyway.

No such luck here.

It’s just broken, and I can’t seem to find a simple way to get it to work, after many months of development.

Something is happening to the app in the upload/download/copy/unzip process that I don’t understand.

Nothing is happening with the process; it’s because your app looks foreign to somebody else’s operating system after the guard rails established by Apple. I’m old enough to remember the good old days when everything mac was freely shared.

usually you just right-click the app file and choose to open anyway.
Have you tried telling your client’s about this.

For whatever it’s worth, I’ve even been locked out of older files on my own system that I created.

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Hi Svan, thank you. I totally hear you, and I appreciate your time and perspective.

The right-click does not provide an option to open the file anyway (as it does for many other apps I’ve downloaded). If you right-click and select Open, it does the same thing as double-clicking, which is to give the error “The application can’t be opened.”

No option to open it any other way.

And, it won’t open at all unless I change the permissions as previously mentioned, by right-clicking the app icon, showing contents, finding the app file in the MacOS folder, and changing the permissions.

And, even after I change permissions, the app doesn’t work anymore, opening to a blank screen.

So the most important thing I need to fix is the app opening to a blank screen. Then fixing the icon is still important too, but not a deal breaker compared.

So how can I figure out why the app is opening to a blank screen? Apparently the java console is no longer available, so I can’t snoop at what’s going on…

Thank you again for your expertise. You’ve been so helpful to me so many times, so thank you.