What Can Cause Exported App to Be Broken?

I have a little app I’ve worked on for a few months, and for some reason now when I export it, I get a gray slash through the app icon instead of the standard Processing blue arrow:

Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 1.41.01 PM

I can’t for the life of me understand why this is the case…in general, does anyone know what could cause something like this? The app works perfectly when launching and running it from within Processing.

Other sketches export and show the proper icon, so clearly there’s something in the code that Processing (or Apple) doesn’t like…

Thanks for any pointers. It’s such a big app I’m at a loss to know exactly what additional code has caused the issue…

Also, if there’s any way to “snoop” into what’s happening - some app or terminal command or something to get a better feel for what’s going on, I would be grateful for the expertise.

Thanks so much everyone,


OK…I had edited a file called info.plist.tmpl

Previous versions were working, but when I updated it, it broke the export.

Took me all night to find this, so if anyone else has a smilar issue, that’s one place to look.