Exported app not working macOS

Hello and thank you community, I have a problem with my exported app. It does not open. I’ve tried the control open and double click. They both flash the icon, yet nothing happens.
my code is using the following libraries

import processing.pdf.;
import java.util.Calendar;
import processing.video.
//import processing.sound.*;
I have tried with the sound parts disabled as I have a 20min wav file that plays but to no avail.

my data is in the java folder in package contents
I have 2 .txt files and a .wav file

code runs fine in processing 3.5.3
my mac os 10.12.6
have not tested on windows as I have no PC

what code would be helpful for anyone to help solve this puzzle?

thank you, my first post here.

I have the exact same problem!
The exported app is just a dead light grey window.
I cannot download Processing 4 as I am using MacOS 10.13.6.

I am working on a Pac-Man game

I don’t know if this is your problem but all resource files e.g. images, sounds, text files must be in the sketch’s data folder when exporting the app otherwise they will not be included in the export.

they are definitely there. It runs if you right click the .app, navigate to the MacOS folder, and click the file within. I have recently discovered that Gatekeeoper is indeed the culprit. For some strange reason, clicking on “Run Anyway” in “System preferences” runs the app but breaks it. You either have to destroy Gatekeeper with sudo spctl --master-disable or use the “show contents” solution.

If you’re exporting the app to use locally by yourself, I think opening from the right-click menu a couple times seems to work for me. See more here. You may need to also tinker with System Preferences as well.

If you’re exporting the app to use on other computers or for other people on newer versions of macOS, you need to have the app signed and notarized for security. In that case there is no easy way around except registering to become an Apple Developer and paying $99/year so that you can generate certificates for your apps.