Cursors in OpenGL Mode?

Is it possible to get the standard cursors in OpenGL Drawing mode? i also mean when you resize a window, bc OpenGL doesnt show them!

Hi @Aryszin,

What exactly do you mean by Cursor? Do you mean the mouse pointer (ie. changing by arrow style) ?

On which OS you are working ?

— mnse

Hi im using Windows 10!
i want the cursors to be the standard opearting system cursors & not the “boring” (my opinion) openGl cursors!

Hi @Aryszin,

Would you please paste the code here you are using which demonstrates the issue. Maybe add also screenshots with the different cursor(s) you see…

— mnse

Hi @Aryszin,

Ahh! Ok! Now I see what you mean …
It looks like no such functionality was implemented for P2D and P3D mode.
Maybe you can address as a feature request here …

— mnse