APDE USB / OTG communication


I updated my post above:
APDE USB / OTG communication - #24 by glv


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I will check everything within 90 ± 30 minutes.

ch340 the cloned chicness Arduino i have one did not check if
it is work or not i used the original with atmega 16 driver

i am going to check ch340 if it work or not

Chick- I have a translation of a young hen. is it possible to replace this word with another? writes me that you are trying to kill a young hen. can’t grasp the meaning of the message. :thinking:

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i did not try it i am using Arduino with atmega16 serial

check not chick i was wrong

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Ok. I realized. difficulties arose with both libraries. this hour I will write in detail,
I have little experience in installing libraries. Only automatically-zip and manually dfx.
but in both cases, the archive must have a “libraries” directory, which must contain the core library files with the .jar extension.
The libraries you referenced do not contain this “libraries” directory and there are no .jar files.
Don’t know how to install them on APDE.
please give instructions.

not working with 5,1 as i think

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so what, you can put it manually through dfx.but there is no directory and no files .jar

And how did you put them @glv ? He used 5.1 alpha

Usually I follow this procedure

  1. If the library is in a ZIP or other type of compressed file, then extract it.
  2. Copy the extracted folder to the libraries folder in the Sketchbook folder and rename it to the desired name of the library., e.g. “path/to/Sketchbook/libraries/Ketai/”.
  3. Ensure that the library JAR file is located in the “library” folder in the library’s folder with the same name as the enclosing folder, e.g. “Ketai/library/Ketai.jar”. Copy any additional JAR files to this folder.
  4. Optionally, ensure that the library’s examples are located in the “examples” folder in the library’s folder, e.g. “Ketai/examples/”.
  5. Optionally, ensure that the “library.properties” file is located at the root of the library’s folder, e.g. “Ketai/library.properties”.
  6. Create a new folder at the same level as the “library” folder with the name “library-dex”, e.g. “Ketai/library-dex/”.
  7. Open APDE and navigate to (action overflow) > Tools > Import Library > Manage Libraries > (action overflow) > DX Dexer. Note: The library should already appear in the list, but it has not been fully installed yet.
  8. In the “Input File” text box, enter the path to the library JAR file, e.g. “path/to/Sketchbook/libraries/Ketai/library/Ketai.jar”. You may use the file select button to aid in locating this file.
  9. In the “Output File” text box, enter the same path as above, but change the “library” folder to “library-dex” and change the library JAR file to " libraryName -dex.jar", e.g. “path/to/Sketchbook/libraries/Ketai/library-dex/Ketai-dex.jar”.
  10. Press the “Dex” button. Wait for the dexing process to complete.
  11. Repeat steps 7 through 10 for any additional library JAR files.
  12. When the dialog closes, the library has been fully installed. It will now be automatically added to any sketch with the import statements at the top.


Calsign/APDE - Installation Steps


Source code for APDE: Create and run Processing sketches on an Android device.

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I’ve read it 100 times! I’ll send you a picture now.

i could not import it i am using the alpha reals the one you posted up

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did it work?
Did you advise me libraries that you yourself could not install?

you have a complete run sketch as you reach this

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Do you want to know how I did it?

i am not advise you i am informing you what run with me using Android mode

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yes in details and step by step because it is working sketch

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