Access Windows pen data in Processing

Hello Guys,

First, let me just say that I LOVE processing and “The coding train” is the channel I watch the most.

Having said it, there is a wonderful library written by Andres Colubri named Tablet.

Alas, this library only works with Wacom tablet.

Is there a way to access the windows-pen tablets data (pressure and tilt) via processing?

Many thanks in advance


Sorry that I’m not familiar with these. Is this a specific product, or something specific to one windows operating system, or models like the Surface series? Is it documented anywhere? If we know more, we could help you look, even if we don’t already know the answer. I’m assuming you would be looking for a Java API – which a Java library could then use, which Processing could then use.

Hi Jermy and thanks for your kind answer.

I think this JAVA library can handle it.

I also need the tilt value of the pen if it is possible.

So far the tablet library dosent work with the windows active pen.

Many thanks in advance

As time goes by, I see these pens are getting more and more common.

So you mean generic Windows 10 stylus events – OS stuff, right? Not a special tablet peripheral.

I’m not sure about tilt with JWinPointer or JPen. Possibly relevant JDK ticket: