This sounds like a great project. I’m a co-organizer of the Critical Code Studies working group, and our online conference this year had a week on indigenous programming and ethnoprogramming, which is somewhat related in that it is often concerned with the ethics and logistics of developing Non-English programming languages. For example, here is part of a thread on a Cree programming language which discusses incorporating non-Arabic numerals in programming language design.
If you haven’t already, I would suggest brainstorming ideas by looking at existing Hebrew programming, especially Hebrew programming for children – for example:
- TamliLogo ( תמלילוגו )
- I believe that Scratch and ScratchJr have Hebrew language support and have been used for Hebrew programming – although they are block languages, so don’t use a Hebrew syntax or lexer.
- (HPL – Hebrew Programming Language) – an old project from ~2003 that was a c++ parser with a Java IDE. I’ve never looked at it – I’m honestly not sure if it was actually developed, or is just a project template, but the source code is available.
- Lang871
If you want to adapt or incorporate a Hewbrew lexer into Processing, or want a model for someone who has already done it in Java, my guess is that Lang871 will be your best bet. The programs look like this:
עבור א=4,א>0,א=א-2:
הדפסש "אחלה"
עבור א = 4, א > 0, א = א - 1:
הדפסש "יפה"
and are stored in files with a .871
extension. Lang871 is more recent (last changes and kindly made a new release this week), and it is Java. The repo says “Windows support only” but I was able to launch the IDE Jar on my mac as well, and my guess is that you could import some of the Java resources directly into a Processing project – and/or build your own forked jar to include as a library, rather than using its IDE wrapper.
Good unicode and font support is going to be crucial. You may want to consider using Processing 4 as your platform if you run into any problems, although in terms of the code points you should be fine – I believe that the only Hebrew code point missing from Java 8 / Processing 3 is U+05EF.
Also: While it isn’t a programming language, you might also be interested in browsing, which was a Hebrew-language resource for Processing, ~2003-2007.
Good luck, and let us know what direction you choose and how it is going!