hiya! I am currently using processing to run a lighting design for a touring band. the computer onstage using an audio interface to take in audio signals from the band. processing analyze that audio and we create visualizations of the music that are then mapped on the band members wearing clothing with digital addressable led strips in it. All led commands are sent out via OPC across the LAN network we have setup to Feather M0 microcontrollers implanted on the different clothing items that drive the led strips wirelessly. There is a router that the onstage computer is connected to that sends out the signals via wifi to the microcontrollers.
I have created this system and it works well and we are just about to go on the road with it. I will be doing house lighting from the front of house position (~50 feet away from the stage computer). I want to access the stage computer during the show if something goes wrong and reset or change things if necessary.
When i connect to the router via wifi and use remote desktop to get into the computer, the processing sketch freezes and crashes . Processing tells me that the audio inputs have failed.::
===JavaSound Minim Error ===
***unable to return a TargetDataLine: unsupported format - PCM_Signed 44100 HZ, 16 bit, stereo
===Minim Error ===
**Minim.getLineIn: attempt failed, could not secure an AudioInput
im assuming its throwing this error because these peripherals (audio interface) is connected to the actual machine, and not to this computer i am using to remotely access the main machine from.
is there anyway to get around this? im pretty new to this whole complex networking thing so I dont really know what to do. I reallly need to access this computer during the show… maybe I could open the ports that the audio interface is on or something? I dont know!
any help would be greatly appreciated!
thank you!