Using Noise to create "Biomes" for a map

I currently am making some sort of map with biomes, I am attempting to use noise. I only know who to make simplex and perlin noise. I know there are many ways to make it so your noise does not repeat on itself… Right now, I have groups of pixels (let me call them “Chunks”) which are of a certain pattern, but every chunk is a copy of that group but a little different

This is an example of these patterns

What if I were to use Gradient Noise?

Is your goal to make each area completely different? If they are supposed to be “the same, but different” can you explain more about how?

Also, are you resolving your noise into binary values (blue/green = 0/1)?

My goal is to make each area completely different, right now, each area is just a copy of the first one.
I am resolving the noise into binary values.

Great. Do you want organic contiguous areas like perlin noise, or static-y green-blue like the built-in noise? Can one be all-green or all-blue? Should each be surrounded by blue (water?) Do you need exactly 9 unique outputs, or dozens or hundreds? …in short, what are your requirements?

My requirements are to have organic contiguous areas, most likely through Perlin noise. The screen shot is showing 9 of the 900 areas. An area can have all blue or all green. I will have 2 different noises so I can create some sort of biome system