Hi there,
I’m trying to find a way to make an animated graphic similar in appearance to a poster I found online. Is there a way to programmatically make this noise map have more clustered areas and less noisy like here? Thanks.
My code:
// noise map
color black = color(0, 0, 0);
color green = color(64, 128, 64);
color blue = color(0, 126, 192);
color mustard = color(187, 162, 24);
color white = color(255, 255, 255);
int numImages = 8;
PImage[] images = new PImage[numImages];
int seed = int(random(1000000));
int[] sizes = { 20 }; // { 20, 40 }
int lstep = sizes[sizes.length - 1];
int step;
float d0, d1, dz, dv;
void setup() {
size(600, 800);
step = sizes[int(random(sizes.length))];
d0 = random(100, 200);
d1 = random(25, 75);
dz = random(0, 100);
dv = random(0, 0.1);
textFont(createFont("IBMPlexMono-Medium.ttf", 50));
textAlign(LEFT, TOP);
for (int i = 0; i < numImages; i++) {
String imageName = "data/F" + nf(i, 2) + ".png";
images[i] = loadImage(imageName);
void draw() {
// noise map
for (int j = 0; j < height; j += step) {
for (int i = 0; i < width; i += step) {
float n0 = noise(i / d0, j / d0, dz);
float n1 = noise(i / d1, j / d1, dz + 10);
float n = 1 - (n0 * 0.75 + n1 * 0.25);
int k = int(n * images.length);
fill(lerpColor(blue, white, n));
rect(i, j, step, step);
image(images[k], i, j, step, step);
// typography
rect(0, lstep * 2, lstep * 6, lstep);
textSize(lstep * 0.7);
text("noise map", lstep / 2, lstep * 2);
rect(0, height - lstep, width, lstep);
text("#" + seed, lstep / 2, height - lstep + lstep / 8);
dz += dv;
void keyPressed() {
seed = int(random(1000000));
step = sizes[int(random(sizes.length))];
d0 = random(100, 200);
d1 = random(25, 75);
dz = random(0, 100);
dv = random(0, 0.1);
Here are the files on GitHub.