Upcoming crit session in June

Next meeting on Tues 22nd June at 7:30pm UK time


8x8 is a peer community for artists who use technology in their work. It’s a place to build relationships, collaborate and create space for questions and debate.

It’s centered around a monthly meetup to share projects that use emerging technologies or custom tools to make things like generative graphics, interactive theatre, machine learning music, swarming robots and all sorts of other things that people use processing for!

You are warmly invited to come and present your project for feedback at the next event. Newcomers especially welcome


you get up to 8 minutes to share and demo their project and there’s 8 minutes to critique it, feedback and discuss. Timing will be strict to give everyone a chance to share and so it doesn’t run on too long. We’ll be meeting once a month on zoom for now and things may get physical once the situation permits.

You are encouraged to bring along early stage projects just as much as fully realised ones. You can share an idea you’ve had and want to get feedback on how to go about it, you can bring a project you’re halfway with or you can show something you’ve finished and feel proud of.

Long term

The central element is sharing projects and getting feedback, that’s what I’ve found people are looking for when asking around. But the intention is also to grow this into a community peer group like you might get on a course that provides a place to build relationships, collaborate and create space for questions and debate.

Join in!

If this sounds interesting shoot me an email (tom.chambers@gmail.com) and say hi and sign up for a slot if you have something to share. I’ll invite you to the whatsapp group. If you can’t make this meeting sign up anyway for the future.

Next meeting on Tues 22nd June at 7:30pm UK time

:calendar: Meet-up #4 is Tuesday 22nd June at 7:30pm BST (UK time). On Zoom. At some point there will be a real world :beers:meet-up

:framed_picture::robot: 8x8 is a peer community of people who make art with technology. Each month we get together to share what we’ve been working on and get feedback. It’s all about coming together to learn from, share ideas and find out what’s going on in our scene.

:mega: Everyone is welcome to speak no matter what your experience level or the state of your project.
:globe_with_meridians:You can talk about an idea that’s been bouncing around your head, a half developed project with something to see, or something you did a year ago that you’re really proud of
:question:You can also bring a question or discussion point without a project - we’ve previously had “is there any point in NFTs?” and “how do you make money as an artist working with tech?”
:stopwatch: You get 8 minutes to present the most important thing about your work and then 8 minutes to hear feedback. Focus on one aspect to use the limited time to get the best response.
:arrow_left: Previous feedback sessions have been on a generative art screensaver, a sonic jacket for performances, and a new way of representing digital images
:eyes: You don’t need to bring anything at all. Coming along to listen, offer feedback and be part of the community is equally important.
:alarm_clock: Timing is strict so everyone gets a chance to speak and we’ll be finished by 9pm