Understanding what Libraries can be added - advice/info resource recommendations

Hi all,

I’m confused about whether it is possible/advisable to import normal Java libraries into Processing. (I’m not a Java person really (at the moment) so can’t draw on any common sense knowledge about whether this should work/not work.)

I’m considering importing TensorFlow so I can ask it to do a few things it already does. (I know the TensorFlow Java implementation is not mature/stable. Which is a whole other thing. But let’s say it worked.)

  • Is the answer to my question obvious?
  • If so, what is it?
  • What should I read so that it’s more obvious to me (which it currently isn’t)?




processing is java; the code gets expanded to the real hava code. So should work.

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Thanks! I’ve seen references to people having to modify/adapt imported code written in Java - which was confusing if it was just obviously of course going to work then what was the problem - but wasn’t sure what that was all about.

Also I’ve seen some warnings that it doesn’t actually work as well as you’d hope, for example:

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