Hi all,
I just noticed that when trying to draw a Triangle Fan on WEBGL, I don’t get the expected behavior ie. ALL lines stroked.
On WEBGL only the outlines + last radial line (point1 to center) appear stroked, while all the other radial lines disappear(!?)
Is it a problem w/stroking or actually the way the triangles are built?
Thanks in advance
(I used the default reference code for clarity. Just comment/uncomment 2nd line to see)
let Webgl = true
// Webgl = false //uncomment to see difference
function setup() {
if (Webgl){
createCanvas(400, 400, WEBGL);
} else {
createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
if (Webgl){
} else {
translate(width/2, height/2)
vertex(57.5, 50, 0);
vertex(57.5, 15, 0);
vertex(92, 50, 0);
vertex(57.5, 85, 0);
vertex(22, 50, 0);
vertex(57.5, 15, 0);
I had a look on p5 issues (and StackO) and found nothing. But you confirmed it’s part of existing issues, not a mistake of mine so, should I open a new issue?
I just tried in the code above( original post) and it doesn’t change a bit.
Added stroke(0); noFill(); right below createCanvas(400,400,WEBGL)
I also tried adding both commands right before beginShape
still same result
Could you share a bit of your code, please?
Thanks a lot
I owe you an apology this issue does not apply to triangle strips. I don’t have any small code examples to show you but this video shows an animated 3D model. Those areas in purple were drawn using TRIANGLE_STRIP and the yellow areas using TRIANGLE_FAN. You can clearly see that the triangle borders are clear when using TRIANGLE_STRIP but not the TRIANGLE_FAN.
When creating the video and looking at my code it dawned on me that the stroke simply links the vertices as they are processed and that for a fan there is only one radial connection - that between the first vertex and the second one. So this might not be a bug it might just be the way WEBGL works.
I have added the rendering code below for the sake of completeness.
* Render this model using as an open wireframe
* @param p drawing context
renderWireframe(p = p5.instance) {
let vpos = 0;
let cfIdx = this.cFrame * this.num_xyz;
let nfIdx = this.nFrame * this.num_xyz;
for (let i = 0; i < this.cmds.length; i++) {
let cmd = this.cmds[i];
p.beginShape(cmd < 0 ? p.TRIANGLE_FAN : p.TRIANGLE_STRIP);
// =================================================================
// The next line helps differentiate strips and fans
p.fill(cmd < 0 ? p.color(255, 255, 200) : p.color(255, 200, 255));
// =================================================================
cmd = Math.abs(cmd);
for (let j = 0; j < cmd; j++) {
let gl_vertex = this.gl_verts[vpos];
let cp = this.points[cfIdx + gl_vertex.idx];
let np = this.points[nfIdx + gl_vertex.idx];
let x = cp.getX() + this.interpol * (np.getX() - cp.getX());
let y = cp.getY() + this.interpol * (np.getY() - cp.getY());
let z = cp.getZ() + this.interpol * (np.getZ() - cp.getZ());
p.vertex(this.scale * x, this.scale * y, this.scale * z);
Regarding the topic, there’s a workaround: using TRIANGLE_STRIP and picking the center every 3 vertices. But that’s more of a proof of concept than a real/valid/efficient solution. Thankfully Dave has fixed it for a next release.
Now, your troglodyte/Troll… WOW! That is insane! O_O
IMPORTANT - I can’t take credit for the actual model. It is one of two models abandoned / discarded by their creator.
The creature is called an Ogro and it is stored in Quake MD2 file format. Originally a proprietary format it is now an open format. My interest started many years ago when I created a MD2 file loader in Java and a week ago I decided to create a Javascript MD2 file loader.
In the video you see a wireframe image of the Ogro but I will be publishing the skinned version of this and the second model on my website and Open Processing in the next few days. When that happens I will announce it on this forum.