Tint function not working on image

Hello everyone! Brand new here. :slight_smile: I am doing the DVD Logo bounce on screen. Everything works except the changing of the color of the image.

The image is a PNG. No matter what I try it just stays black. This is what I have so far. What am I missing ? Thanks for the help.

// initialize variables 

float x;
float y;
float xspeed;
float yspeed;
PImage logo;
float r, g, b; //variables for when logo hits edge 

// END initialize variables 

void setup() {
  size(800, 600);
  logo = loadImage("DVD_logo.svg.png");
  // set variables
  x = random(width);
  y = random(height);
  xspeed = 5;
  yspeed = 5;
  r = random(255);
  g = random(255);
  b = random(255);
  // END set variables

void draw() {
  logo.resize(200, 0); //resize logo. having 0 in a spot contrains image to its proportions
  tint(r, g, b);
  image(logo, x, y);
  x = x + xspeed; //move across 
  y = y + yspeed; // move down
  // END circle
//bounce on corners
if(x + logo.width >= width) {
  xspeed = -xspeed;
  x = width - logo.width;
 } else if (x <=0) {
   xspeed = -xspeed;
   x = 0;
 if(y + logo.height >= height) {
  yspeed = -yspeed;
  y = height - logo.height;
 } else if (y <=0) {
   yspeed = -yspeed;
   y = 0;
} // closes the DRAW function
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Try changing the fileName to ‘DVD_logo.png’ (drop the .svg). That seems to work on my system.

thanks for the tip, but sadly that didn’t work on my end. I am not sure what is happening :cry:

I have found the solution.

The image mode for that PNG file was set to greyscale. I went in Photoshop, changed the image mode to RGB, and colored it, and it worked.

Thank you for all those who took the time to try to help me.



Well done!

this line is fairly costly (time consuming) for the CPU. I recommend to move it into setup(): then it runs only once.

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This can be discussed.

You set x=0 here which is good, but your if-clause checks for <=0 so the “0” is still in the area where we change the direction. This can lead to a dead lock at the screen border (x==0) or stuttering. Better test for if(x<0) then x==0 is not in the range.

Also you can say xspeed = abs(xspeed); which makes it always positive, whereas xspeed = -xspeed; can switch back and forth between negative and positive.

(In theory this applies for all 4 screen borders in your code. Here you could say xspeed = -1*abs(xspeed); which gives also a constant result and can not switch back and forth between negative and positive. )


Thank you. I have done this. Makes sense.

I am a beginner… just doing this to help teach my students (principal made me the robotics/coding teacher, because old one retired, and my knowledge is not much) … on that note , what is java vs javascript?

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Hello @crendon,

I also teach young programmers and bouncing balls come up often.

Example on website:

I will often write code that is longer for clarity and readability.

I expanded and modified the test for boundary conditions (original in code linked above) here:

  // Test to see if the shape exceeds the boundaries of the screen
  // And set direction explicitly
  if (xpos > width-rad)
    xdirection = -1;
  else if (xpos < rad) 
    xdirection =  1;
  if (ypos > height-rad)
    ydirection = -1;
  else if (ypos < rad)
    ydirection =  1;

Readability, optimization and correctness is another topic (but may be going off topic):
Should a developer aim for readability or performance first? - Stack Overflow

Have fun!


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