Hello everyone! Brand new here. I am doing the DVD Logo bounce on screen. Everything works except the changing of the color of the image.
The image is a PNG. No matter what I try it just stays black. This is what I have so far. What am I missing ? Thanks for the help.
// initialize variables
float x;
float y;
float xspeed;
float yspeed;
PImage logo;
float r, g, b; //variables for when logo hits edge
// END initialize variables
void setup() {
size(800, 600);
logo = loadImage("DVD_logo.svg.png");
// set variables
x = random(width);
y = random(height);
xspeed = 5;
yspeed = 5;
r = random(255);
g = random(255);
b = random(255);
// END set variables
void draw() {
logo.resize(200, 0); //resize logo. having 0 in a spot contrains image to its proportions
tint(r, g, b);
image(logo, x, y);
x = x + xspeed; //move across
y = y + yspeed; // move down
// END circle
//bounce on corners
if(x + logo.width >= width) {
xspeed = -xspeed;
x = width - logo.width;
} else if (x <=0) {
xspeed = -xspeed;
x = 0;
if(y + logo.height >= height) {
yspeed = -yspeed;
y = height - logo.height;
} else if (y <=0) {
yspeed = -yspeed;
y = 0;
} // closes the DRAW function
You set x=0 here which is good, but your if-clause checks for <=0 so the “0” is still in the area where we change the direction. This can lead to a dead lock at the screen border (x==0) or stuttering. Better test for if(x<0) then x==0 is not in the range.
Also you can say xspeed = abs(xspeed); which makes it always positive, whereas xspeed = -xspeed; can switch back and forth between negative and positive.
(In theory this applies for all 4 screen borders in your code. Here you could say xspeed = -1*abs(xspeed); which gives also a constant result and can not switch back and forth between negative and positive. )
I am a beginner… just doing this to help teach my students (principal made me the robotics/coding teacher, because old one retired, and my knowledge is not much) … on that note , what is java vs javascript?
I also teach young programmers and bouncing balls come up often.
Example on website:
I will often write code that is longer for clarity and readability.
I expanded and modified the test for boundary conditions (original in code linked above) here:
// Test to see if the shape exceeds the boundaries of the screen
// And set direction explicitly
if (xpos > width-rad)
xdirection = -1;
else if (xpos < rad)
xdirection = 1;
if (ypos > height-rad)
ydirection = -1;
else if (ypos < rad)
ydirection = 1;