I wasn’t sure where to post this.
I found this nice post about how to use Processing with Notepad++. So I’ve been playing a bit with that lately (Windows 7, 64-bit), and it seems to work great (But I’ll probably still use the default editor for some things like looking at the included examples, installing libraries and start making new projects).
I didn’t find any Processing language syntax highlighter for it, so I made an attempt at making one. I just thought I’d offer it here in case others find it interesting.
Just download, extract file, go to menu Language - Define your language and import it. Should be it.
Except you might also want to adjust some things that aren’t part of the UDL (User Defined Language). From Settings menu, select Style Configurator. In particular look at Global Styles - Default Style and background / foreground colors. Maybe also Brace highlight.
Then Settings menu again - Preferences - Language - Tab Settings. You might want to click on the Tab size value and change it. I use 2 spaces for Tab atm (hit Enter key afterwards, as there’s no OK button there). Or not. Just a suggestion.
It’s not perfect ofc. I found NPP’s UDL a bit lacking, but it is what it is. I couldn’t get it to distinguish class methods (functions) from class variables (fields/members?) for example. As NPP “only” have 8 keyword groups, I had to collate a few categories too (I only used 7 even, so far).
Code folding seems like a mess too, not always syncing up with the code (and I’m not sure where it’s color is from either btw).
Colors are pretty subjective ofc, but it’s not hard to change.
Hope it is of some use.