If you need better performance you could loop through each line and calculate where that line intersects the circle. Something like this.
var hPersonSquared=0.64*hPerson*hPerson; //0.8*hPerson squared
for (var x=0; x < width; x+=2){
var xDistanceSquared=(middlePerson.x-x)*(middlePerson.x-x);
var yIntersect=sqrt(hPersonSquared-xDistanceSquared); //use pythagoras to calculate y intersect
for (var y=0; y < yIntersect; y+=2){
pixel_colour = 0;
pixel_location = (x + y*width)*4;
pixels[pixel_location + 0] = pixel_colour;
pixels[pixel_location + 1] = pixel_colour;
pixels[pixel_location + 2] = pixel_colour;
pixels[pixel_location + 3] = 255;
pixel_location = (x + (height-y)*width)*4; //repeat from the other side because circles are symmetric
pixels[pixel_location + 0] = pixel_colour;
pixels[pixel_location + 1] = pixel_colour;
pixels[pixel_location + 2] = pixel_colour;
pixels[pixel_location + 3] = 255;
If you’re doing this for every frame of a video you might also consider making an array of which pixels you want to black out. Though I’m not sure if that will save much processing time.