#SupportP5 Fundraiser

It’s that time of the year and we are running an ambitious campaign that launches on #GivingTuesday! Visit our Donorbox page to contribute to the #SupportP5 campaign!

By supporting us, you are supporting artists making work with code and providing educators access to free educational material and resources at the intersections of art, science, and technology. Your generosity makes certain that Processing, p5.js, Processing.py, and Processing for Android uphold our core philosophy at the heart of what we do — FLOSS (free, libre, open source software).

Join us to help raise $150,000 by January 3, 2020 and ring in our 19th year of being part of the open source software global community!

We’ve never asked for this much before because we’ve never had so many projects we’ve wanted to do. Our ambition has scaled up as our community has, and over the last few years, that growth has been huge. From Processing Community Day becoming global, to the fifth year of our fellowship program, to our new education portal and podcast, to the continuing development of our software projects which are now used by millions of people around the world, we have been excited to watch the many ways Processing has expanded its reach since its beginning in 2001. This, of course, has meant that our annual operating budget has needed to increase also; where before $50k was once enough to support our work, that figure has nearly doubled. Last year, we raised more money than we ever had before, and we also needed to support more projects than ever before. We set this ambitious goal for 2020 above and beyond our entire annual budget with the hope of building a foundation for sustaining the software projects for years to come.


Hi Community Members, it’s Dorothy (program manager for Processing Foundation) here! While we’ve steadily raised funds since we launched our campaign on #GivingTuesday, we really really need your help! Would it be possible to help spread the word? :slight_smile:

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