Standalone app does not work after downloading from a website or sent by e-mail

I wrote a Processing app that I want to share, so far only for Mac. When I export as an app Mac OS Intel64 everything is ok, a standalone app that uses a .png image file works great after putting the image in the same folder as the app is created. Then I compress both files, the .app file and the .png file. I I uncompress the file, a folder is created with the .app file and the .png file, and it works. Then I upload the compressed file to my website. If I download the compressed file and uncompress it, a folder with both the .app and .png files is created. Cool, but then I double click on the app, it first says that I can not open it because the file was downloaded from the web and it could be malicious software. Then I force it to open by right-clicking, and the app does launch, but I just get a grey window and no app… what is happening? Can you help me?

First of all the warning from macOS saying it could be malicious software is normal, Processing does not sign your application so the OS cannot see if has been checked for viruses.

Does your .png live in the data folder in the sketch?

Assuming that you have an .exe file in the appBundle MacOS folder, the other thing that you could try is to use ‘xattr’ from the command line in Terminal. It could be quarantined.
xattr -d (app path)


Wow! This worked, TTHHAANNKK YYOOUU!!!