Issue: sound is choppy on my sketches
About a year ago I switched laptops and imported all my sketches over, including a few that use the Sound library. Said library works fine on my previous laptop, as well as every other computer I use, but not on this one. And meanwhile, for this laptop, audio seems to work fine for seemingly every other application (i.e. videos in browser, Steam games, notification sounds, etc.), just not with Processing sketches. So this seems not to just be an issue with Processing, or just an issue with my computer, but specifically with them working together in tandem. Also, this issue persists regardless of if I use Processing 3.5.4 or Processing 4.3.
The specific issue is that, throughout the course of a sketch running, the sound will work fine for a while, then start being choppy, then work fine again. As can be seen in the video below, the issue appears to be that the application is rapidly turning off and on its sound several times per second, as is evident through the sound mixer repeatedly changing its mind as to whether there is or isn’t an application using sound.
This appears to be the case for all sketches I run with the Sound library, by the way. I also tried connecting it to other devices (HDMI to my TV, bluetooth to my speakers), but the problem still persists. I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Sound library, but it didn’t change anything.
It should be noted that I’m running this on Linux Mint, but I don’t think this is specifically the operating system’s fault, as my last laptop is also Linux Mint but was completely compatible with Processing and its Sound library. But since I don’t know which half of this is causing the issues (Processing or Mint), I also posted this to the Linux Mint forums.
Also, not sure if this is relevant, but another thing I had to do with this device was that, for any sketch that uses P2D or P3D, I have to now include this at the top of sketches:
void settings() {
System.setProperty("jogl.disable.openglcore", "false"); //get the thing to work properly
size([width], [height], [renderer]);
Because otherwise the sketch would have a runtime error upon trying to start up. This is also an issue I’ve only had with this laptop. Not sure if that’s at all relevant, but thought it was at least worth mentioning.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If my problem is solved on the other forum, I’ll be sure to make a post explaining what it was and to mark it as solved.
Thank you!