Raining effect in transparent background

Hi, I’m really new to p5js :tired_face: and right now I’m making a rain effect in p5. It went well with a background color in my canvas. ( https://cl.ly/d49185682356 )

However, What I want to do is making the background transparent so I can combine it with my HTML image. But, the raindrop leaves traces in my draw loop without the background color. ( https://cl.ly/1501612cdf8d ) , I tried to play with the transparency but it does not work either…

So, maybe anyone can help ? How to clear the rain traces in my transparent background?



In effect, you want to “erase the board” every draw()

An idea that comes to mind is to draw a transparent rectangle over everything, in conjunction with blendMode(REPLACE). Instead of drawing over, it will replace all pixels.

Tell me how it goes (ive not tested this idea)

Thanks for the idea ! but I’m little bit confused with the blendmode , because it still leave a transparent trace :joy::joy:, where should i put the blendMode(Replace) attribute though.

You’ll need to call blendMode(REPLACE) first. You can call it just once in setup().

After that, I believe you can call the rest in typical fashion:

  1. Transparent fill
  2. Raindrop update

If it still doesn’t work after this, post your code.

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Hi just come back from autumn holiday, I guess I’m not quite good at this , so maybe I’ll post the code. Thanks for your feedback though it really helps !

var drop = [];

// function WindowResize() {

// resizeCanvas(windowWidth,windowHeight);
// }

function setup() {
for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) {

drop[i] = new Drop();


function draw() {


for(var i =0; i< 200; i++){
// clear();



function Drop(){
this.x = random(0, width);
this.y = random(0,-height);

this.show = function(){
	ellipse(this.x,this.y, 2,10);

this.update=function() {
	this.speed = random(5,15);
	this.gravity= 0.85;
	this.y =this.y + this.speed*this.gravity;

	if(this.y>height) {
		this.y = random(0,-height);



Using clear() at the beginning of draw works …

var drop = [];

function setup() {
	createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
	for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
		drop[i] = new Drop();

function draw() {

	for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) {

function Drop() {
	this.x = random(0, width);
	this.y = random(0, -height);

	this.show = function() {
		fill(112, 182, 234);
		ellipse(this.x, this.y, 2, 10);

	this.update = function() {
		this.speed = random(5, 15);
		this.gravity = 0.85;
		this.y = this.y + this.speed * this.gravity;

		if (this.y > height) {
			this.y = random(0, -height);

WOW it’s working!! thankyou so much :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

glad I could help. :turtle: