Program for a museum using video and sound library

Hello forum :slight_smile:

. I have a problem with the program I’m developing. I’m a beginner in processing, and I’m working on an interactive program for a museum exhibition. It contains an array of approximately 20 videos, each around 1 MB in size. To switch between videos, I used a state diagram and mouse events. The problem is that after a certain amount of time, the program consumes a lot of computer resources and stops working. I think it’s because I play the videos in the draw function (within a condition) and they never stop playing.

Additionally, I can’t delete the videos because users can go back interactively, so that video is still requested.

Do you have any suggestions for organizing and optimizing the code to reduce memory consumption?

Thank you!

This is the code, I eliminated some screens so that reading the code is not so heavy, but the logic repeats itself.:

import processing.sound.*;

Movie protector; 
Movie inicio;

Movie [] naranja;
Movie [] amarillo;
Movie [] azul;
Movie [] verde;
Movie [] rojo;
Movie [] violeta;

PImage inicioFoto;

SoundFile guarani, mapuche, qom;
boolean isPlayingMapuche = false;
boolean isPlayingQom = false;
boolean isPlayingGuarani = false;

SoundFile currentAudio = null;

boolean loopProtector = true;
boolean sePusoFoto = false;
boolean seBorraVideo = false;

int estado = 100;

void setup(){
protector = new Movie(this, "protector.mp4");

inicio = new Movie(this, "inicio.mp4");

naranja = new Movie[3];
naranja[0] = new Movie(this, "naranjauno.mp4");
naranja[1] = new Movie(this, "naranjados.mp4");
naranja[2] = new Movie(this, "naranjatres.mp4");

amarillo = new Movie[3];
amarillo[0] = new Movie(this, "amarillouno.mp4");
amarillo[1] = new Movie(this, "amarillodos.mp4");
amarillo[2] = new Movie(this, "amarillotres.mp4");

guarani = new SoundFile(this, "guarani.mp3");
mapuche = new SoundFile(this, "mapuche.mp3");
qom = new SoundFile(this, "qom.mp3");


void draw(){
if (loopProtector) {
  if (protector.time() >= protector.duration()) {

if (estado == 100) {
 image(protector, 0, 0, width, height);
 if (mousePressed) {
    loopProtector = false; 
    estado = 0;
} else if (estado == 0) {
    if (sePusoFoto == true) {
    inicioFoto = loadImage ("inicio.png");
    image(inicioFoto, 0, 0, width, height);
     if (sePusoFoto == false){
     image(inicio, 0, 0, width, height);;

    if (seBorraVideo == true && inicio != null) {
       inicio = null;
       seBorraVideo = false;

else if (estado == 1) {  
image(naranja[0], 0, 0, width, height);

} else if (estado == 2){
image(naranja[1], 0, 0, width, height);

} else if (estado == 3){
image(naranja[2], 0, 0, width, height);

/////// PANTALLAS AMARILLAS ////////////////
else if (estado == 4){
image(amarillo[0], 0, 0, width, height);

} else if (estado == 5){
image(amarillo[1], 0, 0, width, height);

} else if (estado == 6){
image(amarillo[2], 0, 0, width, height);

void mousePressed(){

 //////////////////////////  PANTALLA INICIO ///////////////////////////////////////////////
  if (estado == 0) {
    if (mouseX > 970 && mouseX < 1430 && mouseY > 370 && mouseY < 730) { // Botón naranja 
      estado = 1;
      sePusoFoto = true; 
      seBorraVideo = true;
    } else if (mouseX > 1450 && mouseX < 1930 && mouseY > 740 && mouseY < 1100) { // Botón amarillo
      sePusoFoto = true; 
      seBorraVideo = true;
      estado = 4;
///////////////////////////////////// PANTALLAS NARANJAS /////////////////////////////////////////////////
//                        ----------- primer pantalla  ---------------------------------- 
  if (estado == 1) {
    if (mouseX > 270 && mouseX < 420 && mouseY > 910 && mouseY < 980){ //boton inicio
    estado = 0;
  } else if (mouseX > 700 && mouseX < 840 && mouseY > 675 && mouseY < 765){ //boton ley
    estado = 2;
  } else if (mouseX > 890 && mouseX < 1030 && mouseY > 675 && mouseY < 765){ //boton sabias que
    estado = 3;
//                        ----------- segunda pantalla  ----------------------------------   
  if (estado == 2){
    if (mouseX > 75 && mouseX < 215 && mouseY > 885 && mouseY < 955){ //boton volver
    estado = 1;
  } else if (mouseX > 280 && mouseX < 420 && mouseY > 885 && mouseY < 955){ //boton inicio
    estado = 0;
//                        ----------- tercer pantalla  ----------------------------------
 if (estado == 3){
    if (mouseX > 75 && mouseX < 215 && mouseY > 885 && mouseY < 955){ //boton volver
    estado = 1;
  } else if (mouseX > 280 && mouseX < 420 && mouseY > 885 && mouseY < 955){ //boton inicio
    estado = 0;
  } else if (mouseX > 1675 && mouseX < 1725 && mouseY > 810 && mouseY < 860) {   // Audio 2
  } else if (mouseX > 1675 && mouseX < 1725 && mouseY > 880 && mouseY < 930) {   // Audio 3
  } else if (mouseX > 1675 && mouseX < 1725 && mouseY > 950 && mouseY < 1000) {  // Audio 4
 ///////////////////////////////////// PANTALLAS AMARILLAS ///////////////////////////////////////////////// 
//                        ----------- primer pantalla  ----------------------------------   
  if (estado == 4){
    if (mouseX > 270 && mouseX < 420 && mouseY > 910 && mouseY < 980){ //boton inicio
    estado = 0;
  } else if (mouseX > 765 && mouseX < 925 && mouseY > 675 && mouseY < 765){ //boton segunda pantalla amarilla
    estado = 5;
  } else if (mouseX > 1070 && mouseX < 1230 && mouseY > 675 && mouseY < 765){ //boton tercer pantalla amarilla
    estado = 6;
//                        ----------- segunda pantalla  ---------------------------------- 
  if (estado == 5){
    if (mouseX > 75 && mouseX < 215 && mouseY > 885 && mouseY < 955){ //boton volver
    estado = 4;
  } else if (mouseX > 280 && mouseX < 420 && mouseY > 885 && mouseY < 955){ //boton inicio
    estado = 0;
//                        ----------- tercer pantalla  ---------------------------------- 
  if (estado == 6){
    if (mouseX > 75 && mouseX < 215 && mouseY > 885 && mouseY < 955){ //boton volver
    estado = 4;
  } else if (mouseX > 280 && mouseX < 420 && mouseY > 885 && mouseY < 955){ //boton inicio
  estado = 0;

void movieEvent(Movie m) {;

void toggleAudio(SoundFile audio) {
  if (currentAudio == audio) {
    if (audio.isPlaying()) {
      if (audio == mapuche) {
        isPlayingMapuche = true;
      } else if (audio == qom) {
        isPlayingQom = true;
      } else if (audio == guarani) {
        isPlayingGuarani = true;
    } else {;
      if (audio == mapuche) {
        isPlayingMapuche = false;
      } else if (audio == qom) {
        isPlayingQom = false;
      } else if (audio == guarani) {
        isPlayingGuarani = false;
  } else {
    if (currentAudio != null) {
    currentAudio = audio;
    isPlayingMapuche = false;
    isPlayingQom = false;
    isPlayingGuarani = false;

It would help us to help you if you posted the code which fails.

ready, it’s a bit long, sorry

Is there supposed to be buttons? How are we to change from one video to the next?

Hello @rociodp,

Try VisualVM:

Try to determine when the memory increases.
There is a learning curve to using this but worthwhile.

This is a homework question in a public forum so be mindful of what you are posting and sharing:

Try to work out the memory problems separately from you code with an MCVE:

Your posted code had a missing bracket.


Yes, the buttons work using mouse functions (mousePressed).

I’m sorry, but I don’t see any buttons on my system:

what happens is that the buttons are visible in the video files, and I delimit their coordinates with mouse pressed, so that’s why you wont see them.

I’m unable to reproduce the problem and therefore am unable to contribute a solution. I did notice that there are a lot of calls in draw(), but I don’t see that the videos are ever stopped (ie xxx.stop()). You used xxx.dispose() a couple of times but I can’t find that in the documentation and don’t know if it actually works or not.

okay, i’ll keep working and searching, thank u so much for your response